
We offer online tutoring to ensure your child’s educational skills stay on track all year long. As a part of Readwrite’s tutoring services, we provide skill evaluations to pinpoint skill gaps. This enables us to design individual based programs to address your child’s specific learning needs. 
(In person tutoring offered on a case by case basis)

Multiple Learning Styles
By tapping into each child’s strengths, learning becomes easier
Individual Attention
Individual attention by our experienced teachers accelerates the learning process
Learn fundamentals
Experienced teachers are able to identify skill gaps that may be getting in the way of learning
Knowing how to do the work makes school more enjoyable and successful

Our teachers are trained to individualize a program to fit your student’s needs and assist students with:
• Homework
• Keeping up
• Getting ahead

Tutoring is offered for any Pre-K through 6th grade student who:

– Needs to keep up with reading demands
– Is looking to enhance reading, writing and math skills
– Will benefit from personalized study and one on one personal attention.
For more testing, program or tutoring information call Claudia at Readwrite 949-263-0633

Times: Scheduled by parents. Based, on experience, children do better with sessions of 30 to 45 minute.


1 hour $55.00             
2 hours $110.00          
3 hours or more @ $50/hour             

To Purchase:
Please call Claudia at 949-263-0633
or email claudia@readwritesolutions.com

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